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Well the time finally came to move onto a new and better blogo-sphere.

Some may call it a metamorphosis, others a sea change.  I call it Tumblr giving me the shits!

WordPress gives me the ability to develop my microblogging into something more.  If Tumblr was me stripped bare, WordPress is me wandering the lonely tundra that is life in a loincloth!

Chad… Early 40’s… Ex-Soldier…
Iraq/Afghan Veteran…
Coffee Aficionado… MTB’r… Photoblogger…
Quarry of anxiousness and pessimistic episodes…
Just ambling through my life trying to keep positive…

9 thoughts on “@ChadPD

  1. Dr. Roderick Bain FRCA, FANZCA, MRACGP RAN (Rtd) RSL (NSW) State Vice President Medical Advisor to the RSL National Executive Tel 02 93808774 Mob. 0417823937 says:

    Hi Chad,

    I’m having a sit down meeting with the ADF senior people in Joint Health Command. I’ve been demanding radical change in their approach to Mental Fitness and their attitude towards PTSD and mTBI. They keep telling me it’s all under control and we both know that’s b/s. I have some fixed things to say but any further leverage you might be able to provide will assist.

    I appreciate there’s the whole exercise of DVA as well but it all begins at home in the first place OR has failed to begin as I see it.


    1. Hi Rod – I am moved by items I find on Chad’s website Blog and by responses I have read.

      I wonder can you help please ?

      First, DVA has duck-shoved and lied, while making some 250 “errors of law” in decision-making in my VEA or TPI war caused injury claims from 1996. Similarly, DVA has discarded due process and even alleged my fraudulent claim for an unclaimed medical condition, YET DVA accepted liability for a much lesser mental condition of Bipolar having overturned several diagnoses for PTSD. All PTSD criteria were met many times over from around 19 lots of war service.

      Anyway, despite Navy accepting liability for my mental, personality and physical chronic serious disabilities 19 February 2013, DVA is still very much into the ABUSE mode it has been in since 1996. I have managed to survive 3 very costly false fraud investigations where CDPP chastised DVA 23 September 2004, BUT DVA continues even after external review stated I had been HARMED by DVA and condemned DVA, leading to DVA being forced to apologise 20 April 2012.

      We have a former DVA “insider” who made extraordinary exposé’s of DVA, BUT all we have got was total BLOCKAGE, yet there is to be another external review after continuing DVA abuses of power and even after Code of Conduct investigation – BUT, don’t hold your breath.

      I am now 77 and we need serious HELP.

      Bottom line is as outlined in the following, YET the DART dalliance is yet another story and issue:

      I wonder can you help please, or perhaps refer me to someone who can ?

      My case with government is unresolved in 63 years – my website is an outline: http://www.veteransaffairscomplaaints.com also long-term independent veterans’ legal researcher in Qld provides further insight; Terry Fogarty’s website: http://amvif.com/philanthropist/

      As on Mr Terry Fogarty’s website, we seek jailing and/or sacking of Deputy DVA Commissioner Shane Carmody who lied in internal review April 2010; he has also lied in other veterans’ cases.

      l also seek jailing or sacking of a number of other DVA senior officers similarly involved in trashing my name causing harm for which DVA apologised 20 April 2012. DVA is proven to have in my VEA (war injury) claims made some 250 “errors of law”, or jurisdictional errors OR intentional frauds, causing me many suicidal thoughts.

      Thus, we seek the jailing and/or sacking of key figures in my case, including:
      • Former DVA Secretary, Ian Campbell involved in conspiracies. protections at my expense & trashing my name 2002-2013
      • Legal Heads protected by DVA, Repat & MRC, Messrs Paul Pirani & Ted Harrison each involved from 2002/3; as well as
      • Ms Elizabeth Cosson & current legal head Carolyn Spiers who canned mediation proposed and arranged by office of Minister Defence Personnel in conjunction with former NSW Attorney General (the late Mr Jeff Shaw QC reformist lawyer)who helped and persuaded me to stand strong against evil he identified and to withdraw resignation of citizenship I lodged in disgust.

      Ms Spiers was subject of Code of Conduct investigation and to OAIC condemnation 13 December 2012, leading to a new external review by same highly questioned external reviewer of small part of my case, Mr Lamond of CPM.

      The new external review was ordered into another small section of my case in January 2014. It is to be conducted by Mr Lamond’s organisation, which did highly questioned external review commenced on a range of lies as exposed by former DVA “insider”, Mr Paul Evans, December 2010.
      Paul Evans, former DVA “insider”, was twice threatened by DVA and questioned by the AFP before being forced from his public service job !

      Eventually, DVA made “hidden” apology for duress only in my case 20 April 2012, but important in this case is Mr Terry Fogarty’s January 2012 call for Royal Commission into DVA which remains unanswered.

      Now, after gang rape of Arron Frazer not being dealt with, there is a NEW call for positive action into government abuses in Senator elect Jacqui Lambi‘s recent letter to Prime Minister Abbott – http://maryannmartinek.com/2014/02/23/by-jacqui-lambie-senator-elect-open-letter-to-tony-abbott-pm-re-australias-voiceless-former-adf-members/

      Perhaps more important are the numbers of former ADF members who, like me, were forced from the ADF due to events or injuries involving rape, torture, physical bashings and even illegal jailing like me when an officer in charge of surface ship weapons in war and pre-deployment training.

      We continue, despite increasing contempt and setbacks, because somehow we need to bring fairness and balance into the equation for those now returning who we believe are suffering even more than we older vets.

      Government is not interested and somehow we need to bring change.

      Cheers and God Bless

      John Atkins
      LCDR RAN ret’d

  2. Having read your Article – I do not blame you for not liking the RSL – At present I am an Advocate of good standing – I have been for over 10 years now – I am a Welfare Officer as well – I was President of the Sub Branch for 7 Years – When I did not stand I was Nominated for Life Membership and the Committee and members rejected it by 6 Votes. The Committee at present consists of Members of the CMF (Now Reserve) or 3 Month Wonder NS who rejected me and have ignored me for the Past three years. I generally find their attitude towards the Old Members who served in WW2 and Korea, along with Vietnam is low – Yet I can go to other Sub Branches and their NS or CMF Blokes are great. I wonder what your Dad thinks of these sort of people. Now the RSL has decided that Committee Members will be in place for three years instead of Annual Elections – Someone has to grow up in RSL Headquarters.

  3. Hi Chad, I have been reading your blog and have found it incredibly inspiring and am very interested in your story. I am a journalism student at UTS in Sydney, and would love to feature you in a video piece I am undertaking on PTSD and in particular the challenges facing contemporary veterans such as yourself. It would be a great pleasure to interview you down in Canberra. Please call or email me to let me know if you’re interested. E: millie_crawford@msn.com or M: 0406 934 755

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